One Quin, the Enterprise-grade, AI Platform for Search & Discovery

One Quin provides businesses, in any domain, with a hyper-personalized and hyper-localized AI with deep domain expertise to provide a voice/text interface on top of any digital or physical environment.

One Quin brings together all search bars, navigation menus, and chat boxes under the same hood, and puts an intelligence layer on top of your in-domain proprietary data.

One Quin can instantaneously answer any sophisticated question or address requests inside a given digital or physical environment.

Inside a commerce experience, for instance, consumers can ask:

Where can I find the healthiest dip you carry? No dairy, please! and only ratings higher than 4.

I am going vegan. Let's add to my shopping list a high-protein snack without bad ingredients, costing under $2.

Inside a media platform, for instance, consumers can ask:

What is your advice to new moms with teething babies?

I am looking for a stroller for my twins. My budget is $200. What does the editor recommend?

The Domain-general One Quin AI platform is unique in answering specific questions reliably based on any business’ own curated sources of information, making it a hyper-personalized and hyper-localized user experience for better search and discovery on top of an environment in any domain.

One Quin’s killer-app use-case for anyone, anywhere, at any time: commerce!